ACCP/CFAS/AAMC Collaboration

The American College of Clinical Pharmacology® (ACCP) and the Council of Faculty and Academic Societies (CFAS) of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) have had a long-standing and productive affiliation. The AAMC is the principal organization leading and supporting medical education at all levels in the United States and Canada. The AAMC is comprised of three Councils: the Council of Deans, the Council of Teaching Hospitals and the Council of Faculty and Academic Societies. As a member society of CFAS, ACCP is represented to the AAMC through the appointed CFAS representatives. CFAS identifies critical issues facing medical school faculty and academic societies and serves as a voice for both constituencies within AAMC’s leadership and governance structures.

The ACCP/CFAS dynamic relationship is exemplified by a mutually beneficial information exchange regarding a broad range of topics and trends affecting medical education, health care policy and biomedical research. ACCP may appoint up to two representatives (one junior and one senior) to CFAS. The ACCP representatives to CFAS facilitate bidirectional flow of information regarding policies, procedures, examination and medical and residency applications. ACCP representatives to CFAS are eligible to serve on and lead CFAS committees, represent CFAS on the Ad Board and vote on CFAS policies, procedures and programs. Through CFAS, ACCP has the opportunity to influence national policy issues, for example by signing on to AAMC letters of support for a variety of public policy issues affecting medical education and research. ACCP representatives submit proposals to CFAS for presentations at the CFAS and AAMC annual meetings as well as communicate policy positions that align with ACCP’s Mission & Vision.

AAMC 2019 Annual Meeting Summary

CFAS 2019 Spring Meeting Summary

AAMC 2018 Annual Meeting Summary