
What is Kudos?

Kudos is a web-based service that helps authors explain, enrich and share their published work for greater readership and impact. It also provides direct access to a publication dashboard so authors can measure the effect of their actions across a wide range of metrics.

Who can use Kudos?

Wiley’s partnership with Kudos makes the service free for ACCP authors. However, those who have registered with Wiley Author Services and opted into the mailing list will receive the most streamlined experience.

How does Kudos work?

Authors claim their articles and are then led through the following steps:

  • Explain articles by adding lay summaries and highlighting what makes the work important;
  • Enrich articles by adding links to related resources that put the research into context;
  • Share via email and social media, while Kudos links across search engines and subject indexes;
  • Access the dashboard area to view usage, citations and altmetrics for the publications.


How do authors claim articles?

The notification emails sent to those who are registered with Wiley Author Services contain a direct link to claim their article in Kudos.

Authors who are unregistered or published prior to 2014 can claim authorship in Kudos by searching for articles by DOI, article title or author name.

What are the benefits for authors?

  • Discoverability – Increases the likelihood of their articles being found, read and cited;
  • Publication Metrics – Provides direct access to usage, citations and altmetrics for their articles;
  • Networking – Encourages interactions that build relationships and visibility within their communities.