ISoP/ACCP Clinical Pharmacometrics Special Interest Group

In 2017, the International Society of Pharmacometrics (ISoP) and the American College of Clinical Pharmacology® (ACCP) jointly created the Clinical Pharmacometrics Special Interest Group (SIG).  The ISoP SIGs are communities with a shared interest in advancing a specific area of knowledge, learning or technology, where Members cooperate to affect or to produce solutions within their particular field. The SIGs communicate, meet, develop training materials, develop position papers and publications, support students and organize programming ideas.

The Clinical Pharmacometrics SIG’s mission is to promote the application of pharmacometrics to direct patient care and foster an international SIG of scientists and clinicians across a spectrum of therapeutic specialties. This group is working on the improvement of the rational use of drugs by bridging pharmacometrics and clinical practice, which will positively impact the lives of patients worldwide. Given the overlapping interests of ISoP and ACCP in these areas, these organizations enthusiastically co-sponsor the Clinical Pharmacometrics SIG. Both ISoP and ACCP Members are invited to join the Clinical Pharmacometrics SIG and participate in organizational planning and professional discussions. 


1. Create and maintain a forum for communication and collaboration between pharmacometricians with clinical interest and clinicians with an interest in pharmacometrics.
2. To advance the field of personalized medicine through expanded use of pharmacometrics in clinical practice.


Steering Committee
Role: Advice & Oversight of SIG Activities


Darlene Santiago, PhD
Univ of Puerto Rico


Sarah Alghanem, PhD
Kuwait Univ

Manuel Ibarra, PhD
Univ de la Republica

Catherijne Knibbe,

PharmD, PhD
Leiden Univ

Victor Mangas, PhD
Univ de Valencia

Mitch A. Phelps, PhD
The Ohio State Univ

Catriona Waitt, PhD
Univ of Liverpool
Infectious Diseases Inst, Uganda

Wei Zhao, PharmD, PhD
Shandong Univ



Leadership Team

Role: Day to Day Operations of SIG

Past Chair  Chair Chair-Elect Vice-Chair 

Sean Avedissian
Univ of Nebraska  

Yibo Wang
Gilead Sciences  

Xizhe (Emma) Gao  
Pfizer Inc

Lucy Her
Eli Lilly & Co

 Scientific Secretary  

Amal Ayyoub


 Trainee/Early Career Representatives  


Alex Prokopienko


Elham Amini
Gilead Sciences

Tyler Dunlap



Task Forces

Role: Developing & Executing Specific Member-drive Initiatives


ACCP/ISoP SIG Student Abstract Award
The ACCP/ISoP SIG identifies areas of submission that are consistent with its focus and Student & Trainee Abstracts within those areas are reviewed and scored by SIG Leadership. The top scoring Student Abstract is the recipient of the ACCP/ISoP Student Abstract Award, which includes complimentary 3-Day registration to the ACCP Annual Meeting, a $500 honorarium, an award and an invitation to the Saturday evening event.

2023 ACCP/ISoP SIG Student Abstract Award Winner
Presentation Title: Population Pharmacokinetic Modeling to Assess the Impacts of Clinical Variables on Mycophenolate Total Body Clearance in Pediatric Kidney Transplant Recipients

     Yan Rong, BSc, PhD

Upcoming Symposia | Group Discussions & Upcoming EventsBecome a Member of the ISoP/ACCP Clinical Pharmacometrics Special Interest Group 
Contact us at: [email protected]
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